Who are we? Meet the Team

  • My start in dog training came at the age of six with a headstrong Lab named Benny. He was incredibly smart and an escape artist only rivaled by Houdini himself. Benny taught me the finer points of dog management and what works and what does not. Since that day dogs have never left my life and I’d have it no other way.

    After leaving the sales world I wanted to transition back into what I loved so in 2015 I went full bore into every avenue of dogs you could imagine. From training, to daycare and boarding, to grooming, to protection and decoy work. I’ve certified as a PSA as well as a K9 Street League decoy, sold dogs into law enforcement as well as trained countless pet/companion dogs and I look forward to helping you and yours.

  • Chief Officer(s) of Chew

    Sidney(left) is a dutch shepherd who works personal protection for his family. He’s a big sweetheart to those in his circle but those outside will have an entirely different opinion of him.

    Hela(right) is the queen. She took first place in the second K9 Street League trial #2(High Obedience and high protection for the trial) and also works personal protection for her family. She is also Sidney’s momma. They also come to lessons here and there to help proof the other dogs obedience around others.

Why Matt?

Why train with Me? I love to educate! Most folks want the best for their pets but simply don’t know how. My style focuses on clear communication paired with clear boundaries to support a happy, well trained pup.

What Do We Offer?

One on One training for behavior modification, puppy classes, sport and personal protection training, basic to advanced and off leash obedience.